The Andres Neuman quote is lovely!

I would love to get a physical copy of Pomegranate Summer. Please share deets :)

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Isn't it? It really spoke to me. Ah, that's so kind! Text me, please :)

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Thanks Anu, a great read as always. I've just ordered your book "A Pomegranate Summer" and I'm very much looking forward to reading it. Very inspiring for me too. Hopefully I'll be able to follow in your footsteps one day and you can order my book 😂

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Ah, thank you so much, Jonathan - I'm touched! You'll have to let me know what you think :) If you do want to complete your Anu Nande set, might I also point you in the direction of Summer Melody, my debut novelette from November 2021? It was published by Alien Buddha Press and is available to order in the US, UK, and Europe - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M4YJLWD And I definitely look forward to the day I can order *your* book :D

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